Aged Care

As we age, specific health conditions can develop and need medical support. Our doctors are experienced in this area and are dedicated to helping you maintain your independence for as long as possible.

We can help with a range of conditions such as:
• dementia
• osteoporosis
• arthritis
• heart disease
• stroke
• mobility problems and
• hearing and vision problems

We can also co-ordinate local services to help you stay in your own home for as long as possible, or support you in the transition to assisted care.

If you are over 75, you are eligible for a government funded health assessment. This annual health check consists of a comprehensive review of your lifestyle, mobility, medication, nutrition, exercise, safety in the home, care arrangements and support networks. The aim is to help you maintain maximum fitness, health and vitality to support you and keep you independent each day.

Want to know more? Please contact us on (02) 9358 5221